Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Golden Rule

What is the message of the Golden Rule? Treat others the way you would want to be treated

Which expression of the Golden Rule do you like the best? I like the Christianity one. Why? I like it because it has a bible verse in it, and also God spoke those words.

What could things be like if everyone behaved according to the Golden Rule? I think everyone would be really nice and would not make fun of people. I think the world would be a lot more peaceful ?

Why is it that sometimes we don’t behave according to the Golden Rule? We may not think of the rule while we are being mean or rude. People can forget  a lot.


  1. 3 things I liked
    -The way you said to "Treat others the way you would want to be treated", And the video post.
    -How you said God has spoken in those words.
    -And how you mentioned that how we forget the "Golden Rule" when being rude to people.

    2 futhur ideas
    -Link back to your teacher blog so other people can know what going on.
    -Sometimes add photo.

    1 question
    -What does the verse say?

    Other than those the blog post was well done really cool, nice.
